Student Clubs & Club Advisor Information


Lakeview Leadership Academy offers a variety of activities and clubs that our students can join and become a part of.  Here is a complete list of clubs that our Lakeview offers. 

                                                                     Club Descriptions

 Arabic Culture Club -

ASB General -

ASB High School -

ASB Junior High -

Athletics -


Cheer Squad -

ASB General -

Class of 2025 -

Class of 2026 -

Class of 2027 -

Class of 2028 -

Discovering Faith Christian Club -

 Lead & Inspire Club - The focus of the club is for our Senior Mentors to help underclassmen with a better understanding of the college process. They offer presentations, college & career options, give advice, and answer questions.

MEChA - M.E.CH.A stands for Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan and it is a student organization that promotes higher education, cultura, and historia. MEChA was founded on the principles of self-determination for the liberation of our people. We believe that political involvement & education is the key for change in our society. We are looking for more students that are interested in our purpose.  It could be you, if you are interested just stop by Mr. Alvarez's class (Rm 806) during "A" lunch. If you have "B" lunch, see Ms. Gallo (Rm 305) or Mr. Martinez (Rm P-207). Just tell them that you want to learn more about the M.E.Ch.A club!

 Peer Counseling -

 Skills USA -

 Spartan Custom Designs -

 Yearbook  -