About Us
Lakeview Leadership Academy's Mission Statement:
Lakeview Leadership Academy's Behavior Statement:
With the strength of Spartans we are CHARGING towards success by being Compassionate, Honorable, Accountable, Respectful, Genuine, and Engaged Citizens. Together we are closing the opportunity gap and becoming college and career ready.
What Does Our Lakeview Offer?
Established in 2008, Lakeview Leadership Academy serves grades 7-12 from the ethnically diverse population of students in the High Desert of San Bernardino County. Our attractive middle and high school campus houses facilities with state-of-the-art classrooms, library, computer labs, multipurpose room, gymnasium and cafeteria. Lakeview is on the cutting edge with technology and offers 3 computer labs as well as chrome books for all students across the curriculum. LLA has exemplary teaching with high expectations for all students.
Our focus at LLA is to Educate, Equip, and Empower all students for Success. Our mission is “At Lakeview Leadership Academy, we are committed to closing the opportunity gap by creating a dynamic and engaging learning environment that prepares students to be college/career ready, honest, and respectful in order to be successful and responsible citizens.” In partnership with families and the community, Lakeview Leadership Academy provides a safe and engaging environment that cultivates the fundamental skills of thinking, learning, problem solving, and communication.
Lakeview Leadership Academy supports the District’s mission by Making a Difference in lives of All students. LLA provides a college going atmosphere through its AVID, Leadership, and honors and AP classes and stresses Common Core curriculum school-wide for all students in a Rigorous but Relevant manner.
What Makes Our Lakeview Unique?
· Lakeview Middle School officially became Lakeview Leadership Academy with Board approval in February 2014
· All students are tested in Reading ability upon enrolling & receive a GE (Grade Equivalency) score. Students are provided a Reading Intervention class if they score 1.5 years or lower below grade level with their GE
· Robotics is offered within the Master schedule and LLA competes against other middle and high schools while being coached by a highly trained expert in VEX Robotics
· Electives include: Art, Band, AVID, ASB, Computers, Digital Music, Web Design, and Robotics
· Lakeview has an After School program (AYA - Action Youth America) that promotes an Academic and Enrichment opportunity for over 60 students daily from 4:30-6:30. Students receive a small supper, homework help and tutoring, and activities.
Directions to Lakeview
Address: 12484 Tamarisk Rd.
Victorville, CA 92395
We are located two blocks up from Victor Valley Community College, on the same street as the Shell gas station with the Del Taco next to Spring Valley Lake.